Federation of photography organisations in the Netherlands
PFN represents non-commercial organisations with a legal status that profile photography as the main medium of their interaction with an international audience. PFN members include museums, festivals, archives, producers and competitions/awards. Photography as the primary expression and presentations as the main pillar of their activities is what unites them. Affiliated organisations each have one vote. There is close cooperation with the organisation representing professional photographers, DuPho.
Members of the association include: BredaPhoto, Fotodok, the Maria Austria Institute, Museum Hilversum, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Noorderlicht, Paradox, World Press Photo and the Zilveren Camera.
BredaPhoto is the largest photography exhibition of the Benelux and takes place in Breda every two years in the autumn. During this seven-week photo exhibition, top national and international photographers - together with new talent - show their work at attractive indoor and outdoor locations in Breda. BredaPhoto shows the state of the art of contemporary photography through internationally relevant social themes.
BredaPhoto shows stories that inspire, move, confront, raise new questions, and prove that photography is the artistic medium that is at the heart of society.
The tenth edition of the BredaPhoto takes place from September 8 until October 23, 2022.
Speelhuislaan 155
4815 CD Breda
T + 31 (0) 76 532 93 11
Zilveren Camera
The Foundation De Zilveren Camera has been organising the Dutch prize for photojournalism and documentary photography since 1949.
The foundation's mission is to enhance the quality of photojournalism and documentary photography in the Netherlands. The instrument for this are the annual competitions: the Canon Zilveren Camera, the Paul Peters Photo Prize and the Storytelling Prize.
The winners are collected in a travelling exhibition, a yearbook and on the website. Goal is to bring the power and relevance of photojournalism and documentary photography to the attention of media and public.
The foundation also organises educational projects, aimed at professionals and the public.
Stichting De Zilveren Camera
Kerkbrink 6
1211 BX Hilversum
FOTODOK's programme is based on four pillars: the first pillar comprises exhibitions on urgent social topics, both indoors and outdoors. The second pillar consists of an in-depth programme of lectures and events, challenging the audience to delve deeper into the subject matter. This pillar includes FOTODOK Book Club and virtual tours via Virtual Presence.
The third pillar focuses on talent development with a local, national and international reach for artists after graduation. The fourth pillar focuses on education, ranging from long-term collaborations with schools in the province of Utrecht to small-scale workshops on location.
FOTODOK | Space to see, think and learn
Lange Nieuwstraat 7
3512 PA Utrecht
T +31 (0)6 512 319 51
Maria Austria Institute
The Maria Austria Institute (MAI) collects and exploits photography archives of exceptional quality from photographers who have a strong connection with Amsterdam. The MAI does this to ensure that the work of these photographers remains part of the visual heritage of our country.
In cooperation with the Stadsarchief Amsterdam, these archives are preserved, managed and, where possible, digitised. The MAI brings the archives to the attention of the public and organises presentations, exhibitions, books and educational activities.
The MAI is located in the Amsterdam City Archives.
Maria Austria Instituut
Vijzelstraat 32
1017 HL Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 6732506
Museum Hilversum
Museum Hilversum offers an encounter with media art and culture, with video art, new media and crossovers, with much attention being given to photography. The museum focuses on the creative and artistic aspects of media, examines social themes, and makes what media artists and designers are researching and creating accessible to a wide audience.
Museum Hilversum is the home of the Zilveren Camera, the most important journalistic photography competition in the Netherlands.
Get carried away by the works and stories that amaze, inspire, move and lead to new insights.
Museum Hilversum
Kerkbrink 6
1211 BX Hilversum
T +31 (0)35 533 9601
Nederlands Fotomuseum
The Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam is the national museum for photography in the Netherlands with an impressive collection of more than 5.6 million images.
We guard the Dutch photographic heritage of today and tomorrow, and make it accessible to the public. In doing so, we always place photography in a current context. This is how we enrich people's lives with visual stories that matter.
We choose photographers who question the world, and offer them a stage, so that their stories can be shared with everyone - also with those for whom a visit to a museum is not a daily practice.
Nederlands Fotomuseum
Gebouw Las Palmas
Statendam (Wilhelminapier)
T +31 (0)10 20 30 405
Noorderlicht represents for self-willed, engaged programmes. Starting from photography, Noorderlicht involves related disciplines, such as video, animation, virtual reality and other art forms, in its productions. Noorderlicht works with open calls, issues commissions and does research.
The Noorderlicht Festival is the hub of a connected programme. Noorderlicht Studio is deployed for experiment and talent development, and established artists are involved in the accessible Noorderlicht On Tour programme. Together with partners, projects are undertaken in public space and at locations in the Netherlands and abroad. Noorderlicht provides an educational programme, has a certified print studio and publishes catalogues and photo books.
Akerkhof 12
9711 JB Groningen
T +31(0)50 318 2227
Paradox is a non-profit producer of documentary projects in which photography has the leading role. The telling of, often complex, social stories is central to these projects. In order to provide these with an audience, together with - but especially outside of - the media, Paradox developed a multi-platform practice. Stories are delivered on different platforms: in books, exhibitions, films and online. Usually on several platforms at the same time, also in terms of audience. Experimenting with new forms for those stories is an important guideline.
Since 1993, Paradox has worked together with photographers, filmmakers, journalists, writers, researchers, designers and others on more than 80 projects, which have been presented at more than 200 museums and festivals worldwide.
Postbus 113
1135 ZK Edam
T +31(0)299 315083
World Press Photo
The World Press Photo Foundation believes in the power of showing, and the importance of seeing, high-quality visual stories. It all started in 1955 when a group of Dutch photographers organised an international contest ('World Press Photo') to show their work to a worldwide audience.
World Press Photo Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation. The world has changed constantly over the past six decades. New developments in media and technology have changed journalism and storytelling. We draw on our experience to guide visual journalists, storytellers and audiences around the world through this challenging landscape with the goal of connecting the world with stories that matter.
World Press Photo Foundation
Haarlemmerweg 4,
1014 BE Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 676 6096